Breathe. Move. Repeat.

Slow down and find your rhythm. The practice is ancient but never gets old. Yoga can change your day, your month , your year, your life. One breath at a time. Start your practice, continue your practice, deepen your practice. Keep coming back again and again.

Class Schedule


Weekly In Person Offerings

Weekly Virtual Offerings -

Donation based

  • I have just transitioned to working full time so I currently have no virtual offerings. If you feel comfortable coming to class in person I would love to see you on Saturday or Sunday. Stay tuned for updates in the Fall.

When the mind is still, the heart—-our emotional center—- is unencumbered, we feel joy, contentment, and peace. And then, instead of absorbing the world’s chaos into us, more and more we can bring this stillness out into the world. Only after the storm is brought to stillness can we act from our highest Self, or soul, and not from the lower mind of craving.

- Max Strom, A Life Worth Breathing

I love everything about how you share yoga with the world. You teach in a manner that makes sure that the practice transcends the mat and the moment. You also have a gift in teaching new ways of being in and with familiar postures. I think about your teaching literally everyday because of an adjustment you shared with me years ago, for the transition from downward dog to plank. I also love your grace and gratitude as a teacher that makes yoga accessible and inclusive.

-     Nancy, student


Learn more about me and how I came to yoga.