Vinyasa Yoga Classes-all levels

A vinyasa yoga practice will link breath with movement. The focus on the breath (pranayama) is a key element of the practice. You will flow from one pose (asana) to the next and will also hold poses for several breaths before flowing into the next pose. My teaching style is meant to welcome all levels, from absolute beginners to seasoned practitioners. The class teaches us to turn our attention inward (pratyahara) retraining our bodies and then our minds to move from the inside out.


Weekly In Person Offerings

  • Sunday, 4pm-5:15pm Green Yogi Berkeley - Telegraph Studio NEW CLASS in SEPTEMBER

    These are In Person classes only and registration is through the studio.

Weekly Virtual Offerings

I am currently not offering any virtual classes. Please check back for updates.

Venmo @Odisa-Walker

We need not eradicate fear or ambition; both are necessary energies in our lives. Rather we must bring them into balance in the moment, so that our postures are practiced with a healthy distribution of both energies. Our postures become the embodiment of this exquisite balance between holding on and letting go, action and no action, ambition and restraint. What is required to achieve that balance is a commitment to humility, a commitment to the truth.


-     Rolf Gates, Meditations from the Mat


If you have practiced with me before you have probably heard music in class. I love music and feel it adds a fun element to the practice. Get into the groove! Music during a yoga practice reminds me of daily life. At times the music will inspire you to get deeper into the practice and becomes a part of your flow or moving meditation. Other times you may be distracted or annoyed by a song or just not care for it and you will be challenged to get deeper in to your breath and your movement regardless of the music. Such is life. If you are interested in my playlists you can access them here or click on the Spotify icons on each page of my website. Enjoy!